Startup EVA opens its first clinic against breast cancer

The founder of the company inaugurated this Wednesday in Puebla its first primary care clinic for the company, focused on providing diagnostic services for breast cancer, and which will work mainly with the support of the bra they developed.
Julián Ríos, the 19-year-old entrepreneur behind Eva, a Mexican startup that started the development of a smart bra three years ago with the ability to help women detect abnormalities related to breast cancer, took a step this Wednesday. more in their quest to push this project.
And it is that he made the opening, in the city of Puebla, of the first primary care clinic of the company, focused on giving diagnostic services for breast cancer, and that will work mainly with the support of the bra they developed.
In an interview with Forbes Mexico at the clinic facilities, Julián Ríos pointed out that Eva Clinic, the name that this medical concept will have, will aim to strengthen the fight that they are seeking to give to breast cancer, a disease considered the first cause of death in Mexican women.
“What we are looking for with Eva Clinic is to improve the primary care service around breast cancer, with a clinic that allows women to have a diagnosis on the state of health they have without having to live a dark and difficult process for them like the one that is lived today in many places dedicated to this work”, he explains.
And it is that according to Ríos, in addition to how complicated it is for many women to make the decision to undergo medical tests related to this disease, the places where they are practiced many times do not have the care that is required to be able to give peace of mind in those moments.
“We want Eva Clinic to be a space where women feel comfortable when carrying out their medical follow-up, to be a place where they are accompanied not only during their studies, but also, depending on the case, to face an eventual illness”, says Ríos.
The clinic, which opens after eight months of analysis by the startup, will give women who attend its facilities their first free consultation and diagnosis, and subsequently they can purchase an annual membership or pay for monitoring received.
Specifically, the medical unit has three spaces, a reception, from where the registry of attendees will be administered; an open waiting room, designed with a view to generating tranquility in women; and, finally, a testing office, where the health analysis will be performed.
According to Julián Ríos, Eva’s commitment in this regard will not only stay here, but they plan to open three more diagnostic clinics in Guadalajara, Monterrey and CDMX in the next four months.
Latest tests
As mentioned in the beginning, it has been three years since Julián began his adventure with the medical startup, which was born almost immediately after his mother was diagnosed for the second time in his life with breast cancer, a fact that detonated his quest to end this disease.
During this time, the focus of the company, formerly called Higia Technologies, was only one: to develop, with the support of technology and research, an intelligent bra capable of being an ally of women in this battle.
Well, according to Julián Ríos, the project, which currently has 30 employees, is already in its last test phase and it is expected that it may have its official launch towards the last quarter of this year.

Although the cost of the bra, which is equipped inside with 192 thermal sensors, in charge of monitoring women’s health, has not yet been fully defined, tentatively it is expected to be around $ 299, with a shelf life of five years.
It is important to note that women who wear this bra will receive a detailed month-by-month report of the state of health they are in, indicating warning signs when abnormalities occur that require special monitoring.
“We know that there will be people who cannot quickly acquire the bra, for this reason we decided to open the clinics, which will give anyone access to it,” says Ríos.
It is worth adding that the bra will be aesthetically similar to a sports one and will have the ability to adjust to the body type of any woman, without the need for a variety of sizes.
“During this time, we have carried out a wide variety of bras tests, one of the most important being that we did a group of around 450 female patients in different clinics of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS),” explains Julián Ríos.
The company, which was incubated in the Silicon Valley accelerator, Y Combinator, has managed to have all this research phase prior to launching its product thanks to the investments of more than 5 million dollars that they have managed to raise.