Monterrey’s New Entrepreneurial Face

Monterrey is famous for its Industry, some of Mexico’s largest companies were founded in Monterrey like Cervecería Cuahutemoc Moctuzma (producer of Tecate and XX), Grupo Femsa, Vitro, Cemex, Grupo Alfa, Grupo Imsa, De Acero, Prolamsa among others. Throughout of the 1900’s Monterrey became Mexico’s economic engine, it’s third largest city population wise and it’s second economic wise, contributing almost 8% of our national GDP.
At the beginning of the 21st Century a few families started selling their big businesses among them: Farmacias Benavides, Hylsa (part of grupo Alfa) and Grupo Imsa and the city sort of started losing that entrepreneurial and aggressive spirit.
There is a “dark” gap in between the sale of those large companies and what is happening now, where little happened in the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Now with technology allowing Founders to deliver new solutions for the Market Monterrey’s entrepreneurial face is changing and is coming back with a force.
In Monterrey you can find tech companies like:
- Skydrop ( founded by Tavo Zambrano who is helping ecommerce companies with a platform to handle all their logistics
- Moneypool ( founded by Ignacio Alvarez, Gerardo Acuña and Sebastian Cueva, Mexico’s largest network to send money and make money pools for many different reasons and occasions.
- Founded by Jesús Martínez, Mexico’s largest Flower delivery service
- Kinedu ( Founded by Luis Garza Sada a Baby development app that helps parents support their baby and toddler’s growth
- Kuona ( Founded by Chema Sanroman and Agustín Magaña an Artificial Intelligence platform that help consumer products companies and retailers automatically optimize promotions, prices and inventories
Additionally, to these startups some other changes are completing the ecosystem such as:
The creation of Incubators, Accelerators and programs like Endeavor, Enlace E+E from Tec de Monterrey, Mty Digital Hub, Start Up Studio, Nuevo León 4.0 along side the universities’ incubators like the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL), Universidad Regiomontana (UR) and Universidad de Monterrey (UdeM)