Transforming Monterrey into the Leading Moonshot Launching Platform of the 21st Century

by Demo Day Monterrey team

The pandemic and the economic crisis has allowed startups and scale-ups to shuffle the cards and redesign from the ground up by adapting to the ‘new normal’. Never before have the technology and innovation-driven companies had a more competitive advantage in the market.

In this context, a rich and vibrant community of entrepreneurial stakeholder organizations that provides resources for these founders is critical. In this entrepreneurial journey, some companies will decide to accelerate their growth and institutionalize themselves by raising capital from investors which is an enduring task. Therefore, to democratize access to capital and facilitate the fundraising journey for founders with innovation and technology-driven companies, the Monterrey REAP team created Demo Day Monterrey as one of its initiatives.

Demo Day Monterrey is a Startup & Scale-Up pitch event that unites qualified founders in different stages with investors of the entire funding continuum. On Demo Day, selected founders of technology and innovation-driven companies present their companies in 5-minute pitches. The event is composed of two sections, the Seed stage followed by the Venture & Growth stages (Bridges to A, Series A, Bridges to B, Series B, Bridges to C & Series C rounds).

Currently, Demo Day Monterrey takes place virtually and synchronously via Youtube Live on the last Tuesday of every month. This virtual event allows more founders, investors, and community participants to join and be a part of the experience. To date, 41 startups and scale-ups have pitched to an audience of over 1606 viewers, looking to raise USD$45M in aggregate.

The 5th edition of Demo Day Monterrey was on August 25th and was joined by 7 startups from all over México including México City, Guadalajara, Guanajuato, and Monterrey, presenting solutions that varied from an online marketplace to an assistive wearable device. If you want to learn more please visit our website for more information, and register here for the 6th Edition of Demo Day Monterrey which will take place on September 29th!

  • If you are a technology and an innovation-driven company that would like to pitch, please apply Here.
  • Investors that would like to recommend a company, please do so Here.