Strategic Sector
• Generate greater fundamental knowledge about the interactions of biological membranes with various molecules and chemical compounds.
• Generate knowledge through engineering concepts and methods that apply modern technologies to the solution of living systems and health care problems.
• Understand how biological processes take place to sustain essential and direct impact functions on the understanding of cellular function under normal and pathological conditions.
• Design, analysis and interpretation of data in biological systems, public health and medicine.
• Study the problems, challenges and opportunities related to teaching and learning experimental sciences in different educational contexts.
• Generate knowledge through engineering concepts and methods that apply modern technologies to the solution of living systems and health care problems.
• Understand how biological processes take place to sustain essential and direct impact functions on the understanding of cellular function under normal and pathological conditions.
• Design, analysis and interpretation of data in biological systems, public health and medicine.
• Study the problems, challenges and opportunities related to teaching and learning experimental sciences in different educational contexts.
• Biochemistry and biophysics of fluids and membranes
• Molecular and cellular biology
• Biomedical probability and statistics
• Science Education