Carry out basic and applied scientific research activities, experimental development, technological innovation and specialized training of high-level human capital in the fields of chemistry, polymers, advanced materials, biotechnology, the environment, natural resources and other related disciplines.
• Generate greater fundamental knowledge about the interactions of biological membranes with various molecules and chemical compounds.
• Generate knowledge through engineering concepts and methods that apply modern technologies to the solution of living systems and health care problems.
• Understand how biological processes take place to sustain essential and direct impact functions on the understanding of cellular function under normal and pathological conditions.
• Design, analysis and interpretation of data in biological systems, public health and medicine.
• Study the problems, challenges and opportunities related to teaching and learning experimental sciences in different educational contexts.
• Biochemistry and biophysics of fluids and membranes
• Molecular and cellular biology
• Biomedical probability and statistics
• Science Education
Via del Conocimiento 201 C.P. 66628, Parque PIIT, 66600 Cd Apodaca, N.L.
_Knowledge generation and human resources training.
_• History of the Mexico-U.S. border
• Smuggling
• Social vulnerability to natural threats and disasters
Gender and environment
• Social ecology
• Migration, gender and ethnicity
• Forced migration, public safety and human rights
• International migration
• Anthropology of emotions
• Anthropology is history of education
• Intercultural education
• Indigenous education
• Sociology and economics
• Communication and cultural studies
• Globalization and locality
• Border anthropology
• American colonial history
Prolongación José María Morelos #822, Barrio Antiguo, Monterrey, Nuevo León, México, C.P. 64000.
• Generate scientific knowledge through research projects in the specialty areas of the center.
• Train human resources at the master's and doctoral level in the areas of expertise of the center through recognized quality graduate programs.
• Strengthen the linkage with the public, private and social sectors through research and development projects, technology services, consulting and training programs.
• Experimental and applied biology
• Earth sciences
• Applied physics
• Oceanology
• Sciences of the sea and land
• Life sciences
• Information science
Alianza Centro 504, Km. 10 Autopista Aeropuerto Parque de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica Apodaca, Nuevo León, México
Generate scientific knowledge on the regional phenomena of the Mexican-U.S. border with a comprehensive and multidisciplinary perspective.
• Department of Public Administration Studies
• Department of Economic Studies
• Department of Urban and Environmental Studies
• Department of Social Studies
• Department of Cultural Studies
• Department of Population Studies
Linking and creating international scientific networks as consolidated research centres.
• Automated Systems
• Microelectronic systems
• Energy
• Union technologies
• Surface Engineering
• Micro electromechanical systems (MEMS)
• Advanced Manufacturing
• Oil Industry
• Cold Technologies
Alianza Sur No. 203. Autopista al Aeropuerto km 10, Apodaca.
High-performance academic community, made up of education professionals: trainers, researchers and technologists committed to improving educational quality
- Postgraduate programs
- Platforms for institutions
- Evaluation and Consulting
- Teaching innovation
- Open educational resources
- Environmental education
- Courses
- Strategic planning
Nicolás Bravo s/n (Entre Aramberri y Tapia), Centro de Monterrey, C.P. 64000, Monterrey, Nuevo León, México
Research, applied innovation, technological development, engineering and technical services specialized in areas such as energy efficiency, planning and expansion of the national electrical system, reliability, safety, simulation, renewable energies, automation, and new information technologies.
• Energetic
Parque de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica, Ciencia 104, 66628 Cd Apodaca, N.L.
• Generate, transfer, teach, and apply scientific knowledge specialized in mathematics, probability and statistics and scientific computation, with the highest international standards.
• Conceptualize mathematics as a problem-solving technology.
• Promote the exchange of information between industry, academia, and society as a whole.
• Scientific computation
• High-dimensional data analysis
• Statistics and econometrics
• Mathematical modeling in biology
Km. 10 Autopista al Aeropuerto, Parque de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica (PIIT), Av. Alianza Centro 502 Apodaca, Nuevo León, C.P. 66628