Strategic Sector
_• Conduct scientific and technological research to generate knowledge applied to the solution of priority health problems.
• Integrate basic, clinical and public health research that allows the scientific, innovative and competitive development of the northeastern region of the Mexican Republic.
• Link the development of businesses of a biotechnological nature to contribute to the consolidation of a knowledge-based economy.

_-Knowledge management
- Bioimaging
- Clinical Trials
- Genomics
- Nursing research
- Tissue engineering
- Immunomodulators
- Public Health
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Biological Models
- Nutrition
- Neuro metabolism
- Neuro modulation and brain plasticity
- Comprehensive dentistry and specialties
- Emerging pathogens, re-emerging and vectors
- Health psychology
- Environmental health and biosecurity
- Experimental therapies

Carlos Canseco s/n, esquina con Av. Gonzalitos, Colonia Mitras Centro, Monterrey, Nuevo León, C.P. 64460
Phone Number
52 (81)13-40- 4375 Ext. 1700 +52 (81)13-40- 4376 y 1240 4377 Ext. 1700
Website Address
Contact Information