Currently Director of the Institute of Entrepreneurship (IEEGL) Northern Region, integrating and potentializing the entrepreneurship ecosystem. He has held executives’ positions at the Tec de Monterrey, in areas of Entrepreneurship, research and development. He was Director of the ORION technology park. He obtained teaching prize, professor with greater links with industry. Awards Bonding and State Prize for science and technology. PhD in management with specialization in Operations and international business at ITESM and the University of Houston. He graduated from engineering, it has 8 graduate degrees in areas of innovation, quality and technology. Has certificates in Entrepreneurship by Babson, Family-owned businesses, and Ontological coaching by New Field. He has been President of various business and professional associations. Consultant, author and co-author of books and articles in entrepreneurship and issues of public opinion.
Hace una semana entró en vigor el llamado T-MEC (Tratado entre México, Estados Unidos y Canadá) que es la versión revisada del TLCAN. Todas las empresas y organizaciones que de alguna manera
Definitivamente la pandemia, sea o no provocada, cambiará el mundo de hoy. Y como en muchas de las eras sobre el planeta, sobrevivirá aquel o aquello que aprenda a adaptarse a las nuevas
Sentado en el lugar de mi casa, pasa el tiempo entre reuniones virtuales, y después de semanas de estar prácticamente aislado de la comunidad he estado teniendo conversaciones conmigo respecto a
Dr. Antonio Ríos Hace una semana un amigo nos recomendó un libro en donde se describen las cuatro revoluciones industriales que dieron forma al mundo de hoy, y la quinta revolución que será el