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Preparation Establish an End-to-End (E2E) sales process for the company. An example: Get to know the company/business of the client | prepare an empathic dialogue with the client. Identify the value
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Convocatoria del Premio Nacional a la Innovación Energética que organiza el Clúster Energético de Nuevo León en su segunda edición. Este premio persigue incentivar el espíritu emprendedor de
Comments Off on Water Innovation Hub y Rotoplas lanzan convocatoria “Agua por nosotros”
¿Tienes una idea para mejorar la disponibilidad y acceso al agua, y así generar un impacto positivo en la sociedad? Rotoplas te invita a participar en esta iniciativa que busca llevar soluciones a
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Con frecuencia encontramos programas e iniciativas individuales y aisladas que, aunque de buen alcance y bien intencionadas, carecen de una visión integral, imparcial y objetiva del ecosistema de
Comments Off on Ciencia Mágica from Mexico receives UNCCD Land Heroes Award
On Desertification and Drought Day 2020, Ciencia Mágica received the UNCCD Land Heroes Award in recognition of the outstanding work to limit the footprint left on the land by human production and
Comments Off on Startup EVA opens its first clinic against breast cancer
The founder of the company inaugurated this Wednesday in Puebla its first primary care clinic for the company, focused on providing diagnostic services for breast cancer, and which will work mainly
Comments Off on First astronauts launched by a private company – Space X
SpaceX is targeting Saturday, May 30 for Falcon 9’s launch of Crew Dragon’s second demonstration (Demo-2) mission from Launch Complex 39A (LC-39A) at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center
Her concern for the environment led her to create eight years ago, together with her partner, poliagave, a biodegradable plastic material for multiple industrial uses, and, now, her solidarity led
Comments Off on Researchers adapt diving visors as medical masks
Researchers from the National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition “Salvador Zubirán” and from the Tecnológico de Monterrey, adapted diving visors as an alternative to N95 masks,
Comments Off on Paul Tasner – How I became an entrepreneur
It’s never too late to reinvent yourself. Take it from Paul Tasner — after working continuously for other people for 40 years, he founded his own start-up at age 66, pairing his idea for