Technology and digitization

In recent days I had the opportunity to enjoy a book that was recommended to me “marketing 5.0”, as I progressed, I saw how much of what it said resembled the reality of today and the trends in a few years. The author, Kotler, one of the most prestigious in this area.
From his previous writings where brands today face great challenges due to digital media, he takes us into a world that is in full transition from traditional to digital. With this, the author, he leads us into this new world of “marketing 5.0”, which will definitely be about the internet of things technology. Despite this move from the technology-based marketing discipline, it will still need the artistic side of marketing.
Considering that digitization presents us with challenges, of automation, loss of jobs, trust, fear of the unknown, security, concern for privacy, the era of post-truth, the secondary effects of digital life, etc. We also see some of the benefits like; wealth and global economy, the concept of Big Data and large-scale learning, smart living, well-being and healthy living, sustainability, and social inclusion, and with this comes an era of symbiosis between machines and the human, and we must understand what the role of each one is, in order to make the most of this great opportunity of technology. Thus, the consumer experience will be based on interaction through technology and many of them will be new technologies.
The new world of technology-based marketing 5.0 will be the axis to reach the consumer, achieve their preference and build a longer-term relationship.
The first thing will be marketing with databases, to make better and faster decisions. We will get this data from social networks, media, web, internet of things, etc. And so, convert this data into profiles and segmentation, content analysis, habits, and media consumption, etc. Another element is what is known as predictive marketing, mainly the use of technology to predict market behavior and with this develop strategies. We will also have conceptual marketing, using artificial intelligence to determine the type of message that corresponds to each type of person and thus provide the best experience. One more element will be increased marketing, the way to improve the relationship between humans, taking advantage of technology. Finally, agile marketing, the way to make our marketing strategy more agile and dynamic based on the use of technology.
With this order of ideas, we can understand the complete process of the synergy between technology and human talent, in order to determine the scope and advantages of each one and make the most of it by working in a coordinated way.
A new world of consumer experience is in front of us and will enter with or without us. Thus, we must have an open mind and begin not only to visualize the changes in our organizations, but mainly in our lives. Technology, and within it, digitization, is here to stay. It is our decision to seize it or lose the great opportunity of the era.