In recent days I had the opportunity to enjoy a book that was recommended to me “marketing 5.0”, as I progressed, I saw how much of what it said resembled the reality of today and the
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Innovation is a term that we hear very frequently, so much so that it is even sometimes difficult to distinguish whether we are talking about continuous improvement or, in itself, innovation. To
Entrepreneurship is widely celebrated as an engine for progress that brings growth to the economy, makes the marketplace more competitive, makes individual firms more productive through
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by Roberto Carlos – Factor WOW Innovation is still being talked about. We see it in newspapers, in chats, in conferences, be they virtual or face-to-face. They continue to talk about the
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Large corporations have bet on startups and young companies as sources of innovation. And big questions have arisen like; What are the reasons for corporations to bet on these projects? Is it only in
by Roberto Carlos – Factor WOW It’s not fear. It’s panic. How can I outstand? It’s a doubt that assaults us over and over during our way to success. We are all day, every day, trying to
Gender issues in innovation are seldom discussed. Several authors have drawn attention to this deficit, since it has addressed much more where innovation occurs and not who participates in it. The
In recent decades, countries have been searching for and testing new economic models that mean better development for their citizens. Considering the environment of the pandemic that has strongly
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We learnt during the MIT REAP program that if we want to have our Monterrey’s Region as a place of attractiveness and friendly for the entrepreneurship and innovation’s practices, we have to
From the beginning of the pandemic and forced by everyone’s circumstances, absolutely every one of us understood that it was the time to learn. We saw that it was one of the most effective ways to